Lego Dragonfly Design, Created with Solidworks

3D Modeling of Ikea Lantern, Created & Rendered with Maya

The Rec Room Game Centre Redesign, Group Project with Vicky Zhao & Anna You, Video Created with Sketch Up

Video link:

Below shows some additional software skills except from product design

Doggy Park App Design, created with Adobe XD

Video link:

Sound Capsule App Design

Sound Capsule is able to record the blur atmosphere and sound. When people try to recall the memory of something, usually the visual scene comes to the mind, while sound, atmosphere, and feeling is hard to remember as time flies. Though nowadays, video could be easily recorded, but the visual occupies the main part, making it too specific and clear that I think it loses the space for feeling the atmosphere and imagination. To feel the blur atmosphere of life is more romantic and the experience it brings is something that video or just voice recorder couldn’t do.

Video link:

Text Website

This text reading website is coded with Sublime Text to create a special reading experience. It conveys the feeling of past life has all changed and keeps changing with the running of text. But for also creating a comfortable reading experience, the users could stop the motion of text by clicking on "freeze" snowflake or "refreeze".

Website link:

Using Format