Concept Video:

Project Duration: 3 Months

Group project with Jessie Peng, Vicky Zhao, Dawn Jiang

Trend Analysis | Brand Analysis | Vision Model | Conceptual Framework | User Scenario | Business Scenario | Future Plan

Vxplore is a concept design. It mainly focuses on design research, analysis, and concept stage.

Vxplore is designed for Sony. The basic idea is to identify the current trend within the given theme "individual networked". We summarized about 10 trends and then we chose Mastech which is a composition of mass power and communication through high technology. Vxplore was created based on this trend, and been elaborated from Sony's existing VR products.

This product provides an innovative and immersive experience to travel in the virtual world using their senses, where users can actually feel and smell the world. The virtual world data is ‘crowd collected’ by users with our scan glasses, creating a free, large data base. As well, our devices can store and playback to recorded memories from the users. This type of high tech device still can create many possibilities, and could become so advanced in the future that Sony could become a world leader in the VR market.

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